Jacek Gutorow

Jacek Gutorow

Born in 1970. Poet, literary critic, translator. Published five poetry volumes: Poems of absence (1997), Aurora (2001), X (2001), Lifeline (2006), A different speed (2008), as well as the poetry sheet Grisaille (2001). His works include three critic collections: At man’s borders. Six essays on deconstruction (2001), The independence of voice. Sketches on Polish poetry after 1968 (2003), Lost trail. On the poems of Wirpsza, Karpowicz, Różewicz and Sosnowski (2007), and the monograph Luminous Traversing. Wallace Stevens and the American Sublime (2007). He translates American poetry (among others Wallace Stevens, Ron Padgett, John Ashbery) and English (among others, Simon Armitage, Charles Tomlinson, Geoffrey Hill, David Kennedy). He lives and works in Opole.

Contact with us

Krakow Festival Office

ul. Wygrana 2, 30-311 Kraków
tel.12 354 25 00, fax 12 354 25 01

Organizers : Miasto Kraków KBF Kraków Miasto Literatury UNESCO Fundacja Tygodnika Powszechnego Grant: Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego

© Krakow Festival Office 2024


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