Roma Sendyka

Theorist of literature, lecturer
Roma Sendyka

iterary theorist, works at the Faculty of Anthropology and Cultural Research of the Jagiellonian University. She runs the Centre for Research on the Cultures of Memory at the Faculty of Polish Studies and works in the Curators’ Collective. She works on cultural theories, especially visual culture and the way memory works. Author of Nowoczesny esej. Studium historycznej świadomości gatunku (2006) and Od kultury “ja” do kultury “siebie”. O zwrotnych formach w projektach tożsamościowych (2015). Co-editor of collective works on remembrance (Nowa Humanistyka series, IBL PAS). Her articles were published in many scientific journals, including Teksty Drugie and East European Politics and Societies.

Contact with us

Krakow Festival Office

ul. Wygrana 2, 30-311 Kraków
tel.12 354 25 00, fax 12 354 25 01

Organizers : Miasto Kraków KBF Kraków Miasto Literatury UNESCO Fundacja Tygodnika Powszechnego Grant: Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego

© Krakow Festival Office 2024


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