Conrad Festival 2016

The leading motif of this year’s edition is intensity, understood both as passion and unwavering commitment to the common matter of culture.
children and youth

Doodle with Lama and Sztukolotnia

Doodle with Lama and Sztukolotnia

The workshop is based on the Piotr Sommer book Fruwajka. Together with the kids we will write with a quill pen without pause, following the line and with its help building certain shapes. 

"Doodle with Lama" is a series of artistic activities that use quill pens. With their help we try to show that the quill is not only an everyday object, but also a great tool for drawing and fun. Knowing how to use a quill pen allows its user to creatively approach writing with it as well as all its many other functions, which are easy and enjoyable to explore. 

Waorkshops for children age 6 to 9.



30 October, at 12:00 Czeczotka Palace

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