Conrad Festival 2017

film series


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film series

The Da Vinci Code

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accompanying events

How to create a children’s book, in particular a cookbook? Dobrowolska

How to create a children’s book, in particular a cookbook? Dobrowolska

Host: Agata Dobrowolska

Age: 2-4

During the workshop in Księgarnia Bona Książka i Kawa we will learn how Agata Dobrowolska’s book Leniwy pieróg, czyli wege kuchnia dla dzieci (i nie tylko!) was created. The author will tell us how a cookbook is being born, we will make healthy vegan muffins together and we will paint a recipe to bake them at home.

27 October, at 11:00 Księgarnia Bona

film series

Ezer Kenegdo

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