20 January 2014 Mariusz Szczygieł wins another award!
Mariusz Szczygieł, a journalist, reporter and a guest of the Conrad Festival, has received the Merit Award 2013 from the Krajowy Klub Reportażu Association. The prize was awarded for “the entire literary oeuvre within non-fiction, especially for ‘Gottland’, ‘Laska nebeska’ [Love Actually], ‘Zrób sobie raj’ [Make Your Own Paradise] and the article ‘Śliczny i posłuszny’ [Beautiful and Obedient] published in ‘Duży Format’.” The justification emphasizes “Mariusz Szczygieł’s excellent and professional writing skills which, in combination with the rank and popularity of his subject matters, make the readers experience top quality writing that arouses respect and admiration.” Congratulations to the prizewinner!
Krajowy Klub Reportażu Association was founded in 1996 and has been awarding its Merit Awards since 2003. So far, the winners have included: Barbara Włodarczyk (TVP), Oriana Fallaci, Ryszard Kapuściński (posthumously), the Reporterzy Bez Granic organization, as well as Artur Domosławski and Małgorzata Szejnert.