The UNIVERSITAS Society of Scientific Papers Authors and Publishers, Krakow Festival Office and Kawiarnia Literacka would like to invite you to take part in a meeting with the author by dr. Monika Malessa-Drohomirecka which is connected with the premiere of a book Konwencje, stereotypy, złudzenia. Relacje kobiet i mężczyzn w prozie Josepha Conrada (Conventions, Stereotypes, Illusions. Women and Men Accounts in Joseph Conrad’s Prose) (Universitas 2017). The talk will be hosted by Magdalena Heydel PhD. It will be possible to buy the book during the meeting.
The book by Monika Malessa-Drohomirecka entitled Konwencje. Stereotypy. Złudzenia. Relacje kobiet i mężczyzn w prozie Josepha Conrada covers one of the most important aspects of the writer’s work. It describes complicated and ambivalent relations between women and men included in the novels of Lord Jim’s author.
Presenting the way of developing these relations, the author extracts the main features of the writer’s view of the world, characterizing the philosophical trends of his times, as well as social movements of his époque together with the women emancipation movement in the fore-front. The book includes an analysis of the most important plot lines of Conrad’s works in the context of gender battle, stereotypes and convention manners prevailing at the turn of the 19th and 20th century.
Monika Malessa-Drohomirecka PhD: literary historian, a member of the Polish Joseph Conrad Society; has published, among others, in Nowe Książki, Tygodnik Powszechny, Zeszyty Filozoficzne and Yearbook of Conrad Studies; author of a collection of interpretations of Polish 20th century literature selected works entitled: W poszukiwaniu prawdy o człowieku (In Search of the Truth on a Human).
Magda Heydel PhD: engaged in translation studies and comparative literature; head of translation studies at the Faculty of Polish Studies at the Jagiellonian University; editor-in-chief of Przekładaniec. A Journal of Translation Studies, author of the monograph Obecność T.S. Eliota w literaturze polskiej (The Presence of T.S. Elliot in Polish Literature) and Gorliwość tłumacza. Przekład poetycki w twórczości Czesława Miłosza (The Eagerness of a Translator. Poetic translation in the works of Czesław Młosz); co-author of the anthology Współczesne teorie przekładu (Contemporary Translation Concepts) and Polska myśl przekładoznawcza (Polish Translation Thought); appreciated translator of literary works by Conrad, T.S. Elliot,Virginia Woolf and many others.
This event is part of the Conrad Year 2017 celebrations organized by the Krakow Festival Office.
The meeting will take place on Monday, 11 December at 6.30 p.m. at Kawiarnia Literacka, 41 Krakowska Street. It will be possible to buy the book during the meeting. Free admission.
A meeting with the author, dr. Monika Malessa-Drohomirecka
when: 11 December (Monday), 6.30 p.m.
where: CaféKawiarnia Literacka, 41 Krakowska Street
© Photo: Dag Fosse, Bergen Art Museum