Agnieszka Taborska
writer, translator, art historian
writer and art historian. Author of short stories (Nie tak jak w raju and Wieloryb, czyli przypadek obiektywny); literary mystifications (Senny żywot Leonory de la Cruz and Niedokończone życie Phoebe Hicks); travel reports (Okruchy amerykańskie and Książki do pisania: Paryż surrealistyczny, Bretania, Providence); and a collection of essays titled Spiskowcy wyobraźni. Surrealizm, as well as Abecadła Topora and children’s books. Excerpts from Nie tak jak w raju were featured in the Best European Fiction 2017 anthology published by the Dalkey Archive. Her books were translated into English, French, German, Spanish, Korean and Japanese. Since 1988, she has been an art and literature history lecturer at the Rhode Island School of Design in the United States.
Pic. Grażyna Makara