Aleksandra Hudymač
Graduate of Polish and Slovak studies at the Jagiellonian University. Assistant professor at the Institute of Social Philology of the Jagiellonian University. In 2011, she defended her PhD dissertation, published as a monograph entitled Wola ich ludzką jest, nasza – Boską. Modele dyskursu odrodzeniowego w dziewiętnastowiecznej epistolografii słowiańskiej [Their Will is Human and Ours is Divine. Models of Resurrection Discourse in Nineteenth-Century Slavic Epistolography]. Since 2005, she has been the secretary of the international Polish-Slovakian Kontakty annual at the Polish-Slovak Commission of Humanities. In her works, she explores Polish and Slovak Romanticism, focusing on the issue of personal document literature – nineteenth-century epistolography and travel diaries.