Andrzej Kopacki

Doctor of German language studies, essayist, poet, translator of German poetry and prose (including the works of Hans Magnus Enzenberger, Walter Benjamin, Hannah Arendt, Michael Krüger, Martin Pollack), and author of children’s books, including “Kajo i Wąż” (Kajo and the Snake). He is an expert on literature at the German Studies Institute of the University of Warsaw. Since 1997 he has been the editor of the monthly magazine “Literatura na Świecie”. His work deals with German literature and the problems of Polish-German relations. He was awarded the translator’s prize of the Robert Bosch Foundation (2000). He is the author of the books of essays “Liryka Hansa Magnusa Enzensbergera” (The Poet in Space-Time; The Verse of Hans Magnus Enzensberger, 1999), “Spod Oka” (With Suspicion, 2002, a reflection on Polish-German cultural dialogue), and “Literatura samonegacji. Postawy narracyjne w prozie niemieckojęzycznej przełomu XX i XXI wieku” (The Literature of Self-Negation; Narrative Approaches in German-Language Prose at the turn of the Twenty-First Century, 2009). For his own lyric work – the poetry books “Stan przejścia” and “Kreski” – he was awarded the Mörike promotional prize (2006). He is also the author of the drama “Kokaina” (Cocaine, 2003) He will take part in the meeting entitled “Akin by choice: Bachmann-Celan” ( )as a specialist in German-language literature).