Andrzej Mencwel
Critic, essayist, cultural historian
(born in 1940) – critic, essayist, cultural historian. Professor Emeritus of the Institute of Polish Culture at the University of Warsaw. Member of the Warsaw Scientific Society and the Jerzy Giedroyć Scientific Award Committee, Honorary President of the Polish Society of Culture Studies. Author of scientific and essay books, some of which received the Minister of Education Award, including: Stanisław Brzozowski, 1976; Etos lewicy, 1990; Przedwiośnie czy potop, 1997, also awarded the Jan Strzelecki Polish PEN-Club Prize). Wyobraźnia antropologiczna (2006) was nominated for the Nike Award and won the Jan Baudoin of Courtenay Prize. Stanisław Brzozowski. Postawa krytyczna. Wiek XX (2014) won the Kazimierz Wyka Prize and was dubbed the humanities book of the year by the Nowe Książki magazine. Toast na progu (2017) was nominated for the City of Warsaw Literary Award, as well as the Nike Award.