Andrzej Sosnowski
poet, essayist and translator
(born 1959) – poet, prose writer, essayist, translator. Editor of Literatura na Świecie magazine. Member of the Polish Writers’ Union. He graduated in English Studies from the University of Warsaw, where he was also a lecturer of American literature. He has translated such authors as Ezra Pound, John Ashbery, Elizabeth Bishop, John Cage, Ronald Firbank, Harry Mathews. His linguistically sophisticated, hermetic poetry is considered one of the most original and influential phenomena in contemporary Polish literature. He is a laureate of many awards, including the Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna Award, the Kościelski Award, the Odra Award for lifetime achievement, the Wrocław Silesius Poetry Award for the volume Po tęczy, and two Gdynia Literary Awards – a special distinction in 2011 and an award for the volume Sylwetki i cienie in 2013. He was also nominated twice for the Nike Literary Award. His latest publication is Trawers (2017).