Anna Wasilewska

specialist in Romance studies
Anna Wasilewska

(b. 1952) – a graduate of Romance philology at the University of Warsaw, a long-time editor of the Literatura na Świecie monthly, where she has been in charge of the department of French and Italian literature since 1992. She prepared a series of monographic issues of the magazine devoted to individual writers or literary phenomena. She has translated, among others, texts by Italo Calvino, Guido Piovene, Tommaso Landolfi, Alberto Moravia, Umberto Eco, Dario Fo, Ugo Betti, Eduardo de Filippo, Andrea Camilleri, Georges Perec, Raymond Queneau, Maurice Blanchot, Jacques Derrida, Jean Genet, Jean Echenoz, Francis Ponge, Michel Leiris and Jan Potocki. She writes also critical texts. She published a volume Od Potockiego do Pereca. Pięć rozmów o literaturze francuskiej [From Potocki to Perec. Five conversations on French literature].

fot. Piotr Bożyna

Organizers : Miasto Kraków KBF Kraków Miasto Literatury UNESCO Fundacja Tygodnika Powszechnego