Bianca Bellová

(1970) – Czech author, translator and interpreter, a holder of both national and European literary prizes for 2017. Her début novel Sentimental Novel (Sentimentální román) was published in 2009, followed by Dead Man (Mrtvý muž) in 2011; both books deal with life in a post-communist country and encountering the lingering shadows from the past. Dead Man was shortlisted for the Czech Book 2011 book award. Her third book – a novella with named Nothing Happens All Day Long (Celý den se nic nestane) – came out in 2013. Her last achievement The Lake (Jezero) which was published in September 2016 won the national most prominent Book of the Year Magnesia Litera Award and the European Union Literature Prize 2017. The Polish translation of this book Jezioro was shortlisted for the Angelus Prize. The rights to the book were sold to 20 languages to date. Bellová’s latest book Mona (2019) is to be published in Polish by Wydawnictwo Afera in 2020. She also writes short stories for numerous short story collections, reviews and magazines. Bianca lives in Prague with her husband – an award-winning musician Adrian T. Bell – and their three children.