Claudia Piñeiro
Claudia Piñeiro (b. 1960) is an Argentinian author.She worked as a journalist, dramatist and screenwriter for many years.In 1992 she received the acclaimed journalism award Pléyade, and later moved into writing novels.Her debut “All Yours” was published in 2005;her “Thursday Night Widows”, published the same year, was awarded the prestigious Argentinian Clarín prize and was an instant international bestseller.Many of her books have been translated into Polish, including “Time of the Flies” (2023), “Elena Knows” (2019, shortlisted for the International Booker Prize), “Cathedrals” (2021), “The Curses” (2019) and “A Little Luck” (2017).The latter two were translated by Katarzyna Okrasko, while the others were translated by Tomasz Pindel.
Tomasz Pindel will host a meeting with Claudia Piñeiro during this year’s Conrad Festival.They will talk about what literature can tell us about today’s politics and society.Is it possible to create a credible panorama we can all see ourselves in?How can genre prose (such as crime and thriller novels) serve as a critical tool helping us better understand ourselves?
Wydarzenia z udziałem gościa
Wednesday, 23 October
Criminal tango. Author talk with Claudia Piñeiro
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