Eliza Pieciul-Karmińska

Translator from the German language, professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. who specialises in the theory and didactics of German-Polish translation. Her academic interests revolve around exploring the phenomenon of the reception of Grimms' Tales for Young and Old in Polish and the peculiarities of translation of children’s and youth literature. Author of a new translation of all two hundred tales collected by the Grimms (Baśnie dla dzieci i dla domu) based on the canonical 7th edition of the original collection. She also released Baśnie wybrane braci Grimm – a translation of the second edition of the original collection. She also translated E.T.A. Hoffmann’s The Nutcracker and the Mouse King, The Strange Child and The Golden Pot. Her other interests as a translator include texts on theology, history and philosophy, as well as contemporary prose for children, including books by Ulrich Hub published by the Dwie Siostry publishing house. She also runs the Rumpelsztyk fanpage on Facebook, promoting Grimms’ fairy tales and German-language literature.