Grzegorz Kasdepke
a fabulist and scriptwriter
The most frequently read Polish author of books for children. Almost all of his more than 40 books became bestsellers (e.g., Kuba i Buba, Horror, czyli skąd się biorą dzieci [Horror: Where Do Children Come From], W moim brzuchu mieszka jakieś zwierzątko [There’s An Animal Living In My Belly]). He is not only popular among readers, but also recognised by critics – he has received the most important literary awards for his books for kids (including the Kornel Makuszyński Award for Kacperiada, two Education in the 21st Century awards for Co to znaczy [What Does It Mean] and Bon czy ton [Bon or Ton], the BETA Award for Zaskórniaki i inne dziwadła z krainy portfela [Nest Eggs and Other Oddities from the Land of Wallet], the Callimachus Award for outstanding achievements in the field of education, the ZAiKS Artists Award, etc.). His books have become a part of the school reading list (Ostrożnie [Be Careful], Mam prawo! [I Have the Right!], Mity dla dzieci [Myths for Children]), and the Polish ABC All of Poland Reads to Children Foundation recognised Detektyw Pozytywka [Pozytywka the Detective] as one of the 10 best books for children in the last decade (the same book was included in the international White Ravens list). He collaborates with Nasza Księgarnia, Literatura and Egmont publishing houses and with the National Centre for Culture, Poland. He is the former editor-in-chief of the Świerszczyk children’s magazine. He writes radio plays.