Helmut Böttiger

Helmut Böttiger

German essayist, literary critic, writer. After the graduation examination in Weikersheim, he took up studies in the field of German philology in Freiburg. From 1985 till 2002 he was a publicist and a literary editor in a number of dailies: Stuttgarter Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau and Tagesspiegel. He is the author of books about the literary output of Paul Celan: Orte Paul Celans (1996), Celan am Meer (2004) and studies on contemporary German literature: Nach den Utopien. Eine Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur. In 1996 he received the Ernst Robert Curtis award for his essays. At the 2nd Conrad Festival he participated in a meeting Akin By Choice: Bachmann-Celan in the National Museum.

Organizers : Miasto Kraków KBF Kraków Miasto Literatury UNESCO Fundacja Tygodnika Powszechnego