Jacek Dukaj
(born 1974) – poet, essayist, critic. As he says about himself, he is “a writer of the Polish language who creates worlds, histories & ideas on the verge of humanity, reason & language in the art of immersive fiction and grand narrative”. Author of, among others, Czarne oceany, Inne pieśni, Perfekcyjna niedoskonałość, Lód, Wroniec and numerous short stories, including Katedra, adapted for the screen by Tomasz Bagiński, as well as Serce ciemności, a Polonisation of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. Multiple winner of the Janusz A. Zajdel Polish Fandom Award, multiple nominations for the Polityka Passports, Nike Literary Award, Cogito Public Media Award, AngelusCentral European Literary Award, winner of the Kościelski Award, winner of the European Union Prize for Literature 2009. He recently published Po piśmie (2019).
Pic. Anna Zemanek