Julia Fiedorczuk

Julia Fiedorczuk

Writer, poet, translator and lecturer at the Institute of English Studies of the University of Warsaw. Populariser of the idea of ecocriticism; in her works, she focuses on relations between people and non-human nature and emphasises the worldbuilding power of literature. Author of collections of short stories: Poranek Marii i inne opowiadania [Maria’s Morning and Other Stories] (2010) and Bliskie kraje [Close Countries] (2016) and novels: Biała Ofelia [White Ophelia] (2013), Nieważkość [Weightlessness] (2015, nomination for the Nike Award) and Pod słońcem [Under the Sun] (2020). She has published six poetry books. For the latest one Psalmy [Psalms] (2017) she received the Wisława Szymborska Award. She has also published essays, including Cyborg w ogrodzie. Wprowadzenie do ekokrytyki [A Cyborg in the Garden: Introduction to Ecocriticism] (2015) and (as co-author) Ekopoetykę [Ecopoetics] (2015). She is the author of the School of Ecopoetics programme at the Institute of Reportage. Last year a collection of interviews edited by her – Inne możliwości. O poezji, ekologii i polityce. Rozmowy z amerykańskimi poetami [Other Possibilities. On Poetry, Ecology and Politics. Conversations with American Poets] (2019) – came out. Her texts and translations have been published, among others, in Zadra, Literatura na Świecie, Dwutygodnik, Tygodnik Powszechny, Pismo, Przekrój and the Znak monthly. Her works have been translated into more than 20 languages.

Organizers : Miasto Kraków KBF Kraków Miasto Literatury UNESCO Fundacja Tygodnika Powszechnego