Kazimiera Szczuka
art historian, literary critic, journalist, social activist
literary historian, literary critic, journalist, social activist, member of the Krytyka Polityczna team. She taught Gender Studies at the Institute of Literary Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She was the host of TV shows Dobre książki, Pegaz, Najsłabsze ogniwo, Wydanie II poprawione, Dwururka. She often appears in journalistic programs and takes part in discussions on human rights, the social situation of women and the role of the church in Polish public life. Author of books Kopciuszek, Frankenstein i inne (2001) and Milczenie owieczek. Rzecz o aborcji (2004). Together with Katarzyna Bratkowska she published Duża książka o aborcji (2011), and with Maria Janion Janion. Transe – traumy – transgresje (2011).