Krzysztof Wodiczko

A visual artist, art theoretician, designer of industrial forms by education. One of the best known artist of Polish origin in the world. In his actions, he often takes up social and political issues, taking the side of groups excluded from social life, frequently by symbolically “allowing them to speak”. This was the case during the famed displays of slides and films on walls of buildings in many countries of the world. Knight of the Officer's Cross of the Order of Rebirth of Poland (2011). A laureate of, among others, the Hiroshima Art Prize (1998), Kepes Arts Prize (2004), Katarzyna Kobro Award (2006), Gloria Artis Medal (2009). A holder of the Honorary Doctorate of the University of Arts in Poznan. His latest work, the London-published volume entitled The Abolition of War (2012), contains the postulate to redesign the Arc de Triomphe in Paris into the World Institute for Abolition of War. Krzysztof Wodiczko’s performance entitled: Art, Trauma, and Democracy took place in the International Cultural Centre, on Saturday 27th October 2012. Picture: Ewa Harabasz