Łukasz Kozak
Łukasz Kozak (b. 1981) is a medievalist, scholar of history of culture and populariser of cultural heritage.Author of books “With Stake and Spade. Vampiric Diversity in Poland” (2020) and “Upiór. A Natural History” (2023).Former curator of the New Epiphanies early music festival in Warsaw and a regular medievalist programme “Crisis of the Middle Ages” on Polish Radio 2.Winner of the “Nowa Fantastyka” prize for best Polish book (2021).
This year’s Conrad Festival features a meeting with Anna Brzezińska and Łukasz Kozak led by Alicja Urbanik-Kopeć.The three medievalists will discuss their favouriteways of talking about the past.Does choosing different strategies mean different levels of authenticity?And how does this apply to historiography?
Wydarzenia z udziałem gościa
Saturday, 26 October
The feast of medievalists. Discussion with Anna Brzezińska, Łukasz Kozak
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