Marc Crépon
contemporary French intellectuals, writer
(born 1962) – one of the most prominent contemporary French intellectuals, head of the Philosophy Department of the most prestigious French higher education institution, École Normale Superieure, and visiting professor at numerous American universities. Author of over twenty books on contemporary philosophy, philosophy of politics and culture. He has recently published Terror and poetry (Terreur et poésie, Paris 2004), Alterities of Europe (Altérités de l’Europe, Paris 2006), On participatory democracy: Foundations and limits (with B. Stiegler: De la démocratie participative: fondements et limites, Paris 2007), The culture of fear: democracy, identity, security (La culture de la peur. Démocratie, identité, sécurité, Paris 2008), The Thought of Death and the Memory of War (Vivre avec la pensée de la mort et la mémoire des guerres, Paris 2008), The war of civilisations: the culture of fear, vol. 2. (La Guerre des civilisations. La culture de la peur, tome II, Paris 2010), Elections: on demophobia (Élections. De la démophobie, Paris, éditions Hermann, 2012), The Vocation of Writing: Literature, Philosophy, and the Test of Violence (La Vocation de l'écriture. La littérature et la philosophie à l'épreuve de la violence, Paris 2014), Philosophy in the face of violence (with F. Worms: La Philosophie face à la violence, Paris 2015), The Left: when? (La Gauche, c'est quand?, Paris 2015).
In an interview for the Parisian daily paper Libération concerning his latest book The challenge of hatred. Essay on the refusal of violence (L'Épreuve de la haine: Essai sur le refus de la violence, Paris 2016), which will be the starting point for the Conrad Festival meeting, Crépon said: „I wrote this book because the experience of violence drives the daily unrest today. It is enough to switch on the TV, radio or computer to be flooded with stories full of violence, not only concerning wars and terror, but all forms of violence, including verbal, social and intimate violence that knocks at the door. We are under the impression today that violence has superposed itself on reality and that reality is all violence. I wanted to understand what the common denominator was for all those forms of violence.”