Michał Komar

literary critic, journalist, film and TV screenwriter, professor at Collegium Civitas in Warsaw and lecturer at the Film School in Łódź. He holds a PhD in humanities. Author of the books: Piekło Conrada (Conrad's Inferno, 1978), Czarownice i inni (Witches and Others,1980), O obrotach losów i ciał (On the Revolutions of Fates and Bodies, 1998) and Wtajemniczenia (The Initiations, 2009). In the years 1990-1994, he was vice-president of the Publishing Cooperative Czytelnik. He was a columnist for Tygodnik Powszechny and worked with Polish Radio and the Television Theatre. Winner of the SDP Film Critics Club award for publications about the National Short Film Festival in Kraków.
Wydarzenia z udziałem gościa
Friday, 25 October
Conrad’s Hell: Revision. Michał Komar's lecture
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