Michał Sobol

Michał Sobol

poet. He has published, among others, in NaGłos, Twórczość, Kresy, Lampa, Więź, Wyspa, Rita Baum, the monthly Znak and Zeszyty Literackie. He won the Kazimiera Iłłakiewiczówna Award for his debut from 2001: Lamentacje (Lamentations).  His volume Pulsary (Pulsars, 2013) was nominated for the Wisława Szymborska Award and the Gdynia Literary Award. He received the Gdynia Literary Award for his volume Schrony (Shelters, 2016). His most recent volume Wieści (News) was published in 2019.

poet. He has published, among others, in NaGłos, Twórczość, Kresy, Lampa, Więź, Wyspa, Rita Baum, the monthly Znak and Zeszyty Literackie. He won the Kazimiera Iłłakiewiczówna Award for his debut from 2001: Lamentacje (Lamentations).  His volume Pulsary (Pulsars, 2013) was nominated for the Wisława Szymborska Award and the Gdynia Literary Award. He received the Gdynia Literary Award for his volume Schrony (Shelters, 2016). His most recent volume Wieści (News) was published in 2019.

Organizers : Miasto Kraków KBF Kraków Miasto Literatury UNESCO Fundacja Tygodnika Powszechnego