Piotr Siemion
Lawyer by education, writer, columnist
Lawyer by education, he devoted his life to writing. He is known as a columnist of BruLion and Ozon; he made his debut as a prose writer in2000 with a novel Low Meadows. Four years later he published Finimondo. Two years ago his essays appeared in the collection Dryblując przez granicę. Polsko – ukraińskie Euro 2012 (Dribbling across the Border, Polish-Ukrainian Euro 2012) edited by Monika Sznajderman. Siemion is also a well-known translator of American literature – for his translation of Thomas Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49 he received an award of Literatura na świecie monthly.
pic. Radek Polak
Wydarzenia z udziałem gościa
Friday, 25 October
Translating the impossible. Discussion with Teresa Tyszowiecka Blask! and Piotr Siemion
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