Ryszard Krynicki

poet of the 1968 generation, referred to by the Polish literary critics as the New Wave. One of the precursors of the independent publishing movement. In the 1970s and 1980s, he was cooperating with the democratic opposition in Poland. Co-founder of the Wydawnictwo a5 publishing house (1988), since 1991 he has been editing the Poetic Library series for this publisher. Translator of the German language poetry, including the works of Nelly Sachs, Paul Celan, Bertolt Brecht and Reiner Kunze. He has won, among others, the Independent Poets; Prize (1975), the Kościelski Award (1976), the Alfred Jurzykowski Foundation prize (1989) and the Friedrich Gundolf Award (2000). His most recent poetry collection Haiku. Haiku mistrzów (Haiku. Haiku of the Masters) was published in 2014.
fot. Joanna Helander