Sławomir Shuty
Polish prose writer, dramatist, performer, leader of the noise & industrial NH+ band+. Born and raised in Nowa Huta – a district of Krakow (his nickname is a colloquial form of the Polish expression ‘z Huty’ /’from Huta’/), he published his works in Lampa and Iskra Boża magazines. Shuty’s works are an endless journey into the mentality of the Polish high-rise housing estate, particularly in texts such as Bełkot [Babble] (2001), Zwał [Dump] (Polityka’s Passport, 2004) or the recently published Jaszczur [Lizard] (2012). His hypertext novel Blok [Block] (2002) is one of the most interesting examples of the symbiosis of literature and new media in young Polish prose. Sławomir Shuty will be a guest of the Literature on the border. Prose as a medium event for which we invite to The Pod Baranami Palace on 23rd October at 12:00. He will take part in The Night-time Reading meeting on 23rd October at 9:30pm in Cafe Szafe.Picture: Anna Krasko
Wydarzenia z udziałem gościa
Tuesday, 22 October
The „vicious” books. Discussion with Aldona Kopkiewicz, Emilia Konwerska, Sławomir Shuty
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