Wojciech Bonowicz

Poet, publicist. He is a regular columnist of Tygodnik Powszechny and also writes for the monthly Znak. He has published many volumes of poetry, including Wybór większości (Choice of the Majority, 1995), Hurtownia ran (Wholesale of Wounds, 2000), Wiersze ludowe (Folk Poems, 2001), Pełne morze (Full Sea, 2006), Polskie znaki (Polish Signs, 2010), Echa (Echoes, 2013), Druga ręka (Second Hand, 2017), and a series of stories for children about Fiś the Bear (2012, 2015). Author of biographical books on Fr. Józef Tischner (Tischner, 2001; Kapelusz na wodzie [Hat on the Water], 2010), the editor of his writings, and the curator of the Tischner Days held in Kraków. Author or co-author of the extended interviews with Fr. Leon Knabit(Schody do nieba [Stairway to Heaven], 1998; Od początku do końca [From the Beginning till the End], 2002; O radości [On Joy], 2004), Janina Ochojska (Niebo to inni, [Heaven is Others], 2000), Fr. Tomasz Węcławski(Pascha Jezusa [Jesus’s Passover], 2006), Fr. Tadeusz Isakowicz-Zaleski(Moje życie nielegalne [My Illegal Life], 2008) and Wojciech Waglewski (Wagiel, 2013).
fot. Ewa Wanat-Galka