Wojciech Tochman
writer and reporter(born 1969) – a writer and reporter; in the years 1990-2004, heworked as a journalist in Gazeta Wyborcza. He worked also in TVP, where he had a programme Ktokolwiek widział, ktokolwiek wie [Whoever saw, whoever knows]. In 1999, he established the ITAKA Foundation that helps to find missing people. He lectured in the Institute of Journalistic Studies at the University of Warsaw. Since 2009, when he founded the Institute of Reportage together with Paweł Goźliński and Mariusz Szczygieł, he has worked in the Polish School of Reportage functioning in its structures. He is the author of many reportage books, such as Bóg zapłać [God Bless You] (2010), Dzisiaj narysujemy śmierć [Today We Will Draw Death] (2010) or Eli, Eli (2013).