Conrad Festival 2011

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Novel Now

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literature and film

Brothers Quay's films

Brothers Quay's films

Introduction: Werner Morlang
Short films inspired by Robert Walser’s works
Stille Nacht I: Dramolet
1988, 1'
The Comb
1990, 17'
Tales From The Vienna Woods
1992, 3'
Benjament Institute
A film adaptation of Robert Walser’s novel Jakob von Gunten.
United Kingdom 1995, 104m'
Jakob von Gunten, descendant of an aristocratic family, enrols at the Benjament Institute to become a servant. The owners of the school are Johannes Benjament and his sister Lisa. During the lessons, a group of superannuated students practice elegant bows and expressions, fold napkins, clean cutlery and carry buckets of water. Von Gunten, observing others with curiosity, learns the dark secrets of the facility. He soon perceives a sexual interest from Johannes, who lives in an incestuous relationship with his sister. However, beautiful Lisa and top student Kraus also seek to win his affection. Jakob's appearance accelerates the long-progressing process of decadence at the Institute... The script was based on the novel Jakob von Gunten (1908) by Robert Walser, an eminent Swiss writer, and the film gained a special award at the Locarno Festival.
Free entrance card to be collected at the cinema box office on the day of the screening.

3 November, at 21:00 Pod Baranami Cinema

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Soul Side Story

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The Untold Story

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The Man Who Sleeps

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Dating sessions.

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