Conrad Festival 2016

The leading motif of this year’s edition is intensity, understood both as passion and unwavering commitment to the common matter of culture.
main programme

Bulgakov and translation: a family history. Discussion with Grzegorz Przebinda, Leokadia Przebinda and Igor Przebinda.

Bulgakov and translation: a family history. Discussion with Grzegorz Przebinda, Leokadia Przebinda and Igor Przebinda.

Literary translation is an enormously absorbing task – some people devote their whole lives to one writer. It also happens that a whole family takes on the translation work. This multi-generational adventure has become the life of Grzegorz, Leokadia and Igor Przebinda.

Meeting accompanying the release of the latest translation of "Mistrz i Małgorzata" [The Master and Margarita] (ed. Znak Publishing 2016).

Discussion: Grzegorz Przebinda, Leokadia Przebinda, Igor Przebinda
Host: Tomasz Fiałkowski

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