Conrad Festival 2009
Tous les matins du monde
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Tous les matins du monde
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Tous les matins du monde. The Festival’s ceremonial opening concert.
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Tous les matins du monde
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Pascal Quignard
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Reading lessons - Wiliam Golding, Lord of the Flies
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Lost in translation
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Ashes and Diamonds
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The dark night of senses. A meeting with Pascal Quignard
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Discover secrets of Mai Civilisation
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Literature and theatre
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Mendelssohn, A Midsummer Night's Dream
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Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
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In vino fabula – the links between literature and wine in western cultures
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Literature and movie
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Magnetist's Fifth Winter (Magnetisörens femte vinter)
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Per Olov Enquist
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Reading lessons – Aleksander Wat, W czterech ścianach mego bólu
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Between life and history
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The province of the imagination, the backwater of intellect
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Życie na miarę literatury
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A world without doubts. Polish reportage school
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A different life
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Literature and film
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Jellyfish (Meduzot)
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Etgar Keret
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Reading lessons - Herman Melville, Bartleby
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Literature and politics
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How played music the ancient Greeks?
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Athens or Jerusalem?
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Movie changes literature
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At the roots. Literature and theatre
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The Jan Długosz Contest - award ceremony
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the Ancient Cosmos of Gardzienice
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the Ancient Cosmos of Gardzienice
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Literature and film
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Wristcutters: A Love Story
Wristcutters: A Love Story
Direction: Goran Dukić
Screenplay: Goran Dukić
Music: Bobby Johnston
Production: USA/Great Britain 2006
Zia after breaking up with his girlfriend cuts his wrists in an act of despair. In effect he comes to a psychedelic, alternative reality, populated only by suicides. The gloomy world turns out to be surprisingly similar to the earthly one – the character finds a new job and new friends, and in the meantime he finds out that his ex-girlfriend also reaches the beyond, so he decides to find her... The perverse film variation about life after death plus Tom Waits as an angel.
5 November, at 22:00 Pod Baranami Cinema, Main Square no 27
Włodzimierz Staniewski
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Reading lessons - Joseph Conrad, An Outpost of Progress
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New Realism
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Where the language takes you
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Advertisement as literature
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Literature and music
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Edvard Grieg
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At the roots. Literature and theatre.
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The republic of dreams of Bruno Schulz
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Literature and film
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Soil and Ashes (Khakestar-o-khak)
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Goncourt's List - Polish nomination
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Books: Works of art or commodities?
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Academic publications abroad
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End of the essay, end of thinking?
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Literature and music
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Edvard Grieg
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Pelle erobreren
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Pelle the Conqueror (Pelle erobreren)
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