14 May 2012 Three days to go before the Tender Barbarian arrives in Krakow
We are now only three days away from the grand opening! The Czuły Barbarzyńca (Tender Barbarian) café will open in the building of the Tourist Services Centre in Krakow (ul. Powiśle 11). – I hope that the café is not seen as a project specific to one location only, to Warsaw – says Tomasz Brzozowski, the owner of Czuły Barbarzyńca – Our choice of patron, Bohumil Hrabal, has always made us more Czech than Polish, even in the very heart of the Polish capital city. In Krakow, we wish to inspire curiosity about the world at large, not just the world of literature. And besides, we have the same address in both cities: Powiśle. Many cultural attractions are in store this weekend. See you there!
On the 17th of May (Thursday) at 6 p.m., join us for the first ever literary soirée at the Czuły Barbarzyńca café in Krakow. The guest of the evening will be poet and essayist Eryk Ostrowski, born in 1977, the author of a poetry volume entitled Cydonia (2011) nominated for the Silesius Poetry Prize in Wrocław. The first meeting in a series entitled Rozkręcamy Literacki Kraków (Get the Literary Krakow Going) is organised by the Polish Writers' Association and the discussion panel will include professor Wojciech Ligęza, Jadwiga Malina, and Michał Zabłocki. The entrance is free of charge.
A day later (Friday, the 18th of May) at 6 p.m. – a meeting with poet and prose writer Andrzej Kotański, author of a volume entitled Wiersze o moim psychiatrze (Poems about My Psychiatrist). An hour later, a musical treat – a concert by two sisters, Zuzanna and Barbara Wrońska, or the Ballady i Romanse duo. The duo was established in 2007 and has already recorded two albums released by the Polish Radio: Ballady i Romanse and Zapomnij (Forget). After the concert, at 8 p.m., you are welcome to attend the launch of an exihibition entitled Nie umiem rysować (I Can't Draw) by screenwriter and comic book artist Dennis Wojda, known as the author of the Mikropolis (Micropolis) series and the 366 kadrów (366 Frames) project, in the framework of which he creates one frame of an autobiographical comic on each day of the year. PLEASE NOTE: you can buy tickets for the event online at www.czulybarbarzyńca.pl or in person at the Czuły Barbarzyńca café (ul. Powiśle 11). The price is PLN 20.
On Sunday (the 20th of May) at 11 a.m. parents and children are invited to the inauguration of the Krakow edition of Czułe Czytanki (Tender Readings), which will take place every Sunday at the same time. The first meeting will be devoted to the Fairy Tales Over the Phone by Gianni Rodari. This beautiful collection of short fairy tales published by the Bona publishing house will no doubt inspire parents to join their children in creating their own stories. The fairy tales will be read out loud by Katarzyna Herman, followed by art actitivites related to the book. The entrance is free of charge.