20 September 2012 Design your own book installation. We are waiting for your entries until the 25th of September!
Due to huge interest in our competition Think: Literature and numerous requests we decided to postpone the deadline for competition entries. We would like to give you more time to design your own book-inspired installation. The final deadline is on Tuesday, the 25th of September. We would like to invite everyone who has not sent their entries yet to take this extra opportunity and participate in the competition! Don’t wait any longer! Sent you design in today!
Let's remind the participation rules:
Are you creative? Do you like designing things? Do you have interesting and unconventional ideas? And first of all – do you love books? The competition Think: Literature is for you! In relation to the 4th edition of Conrad Festival (the 22nd-28th of October) we would like to encourage artists: let’s bring books to the streets, let’s all change the fact that books are associated with libraries only. We are waiting for designs of original installations inspired by books and possible to be executed in public space. The most interesting ideas will be presented during the festival on the streets of Krakow and in bookshops which will be the festival’s venues. We are waiting for the designs until the 25th of September at pomysl@conradfestival.pl. The winners will be announced two days later (the 27th of September). Important note: The authors of the winning entries will receive money to carry out their projects.
There are two categories for the entries: indoor (the installation will be displayed in one of the festival’s bookstores) and outdoor (the installation will be displayed on the Market Square in Krakow). “We are waiting for fresh and original ideas”, says Izabela Helbin, director of Krakow Festival Office. “ While judging the entries we will take the following criteria into consideration: the nature and features of the place, the possibility of interaction with the viewer, the interdisciplinary nature and innovation. We also hope for designs to be closely related to the theme of the competition. In simple words: Think: Literature! The following documents need to be attached to the entry: the author’s portfolio, the visualization of the design in a particular space, a short description and technical specification, description of the completion, and substantiation for the choice of a particular display site.
A jury consisting of artists and writers will choose two winners from among all works entered in the competition. They will each receive: PLN 3,000 (in the outdoor category) and PLN 2,000 (in the indoor category) for the completion of their designs and their presentation during the Conrad Festival.