14 November 2012 Heart of Darkness at the Divine Comedy Festival
On Tuesday (the 11th of December), during the Divine Comedy Festival, Szymon Kaczmarek and the Stefan Żeromski Theatre in Kielce will present a play of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. The performance will be held in the Fabryka Club (ul. Zabłocie 23) at 4:30 p.m. We look forward to seeing you there!
Joseph Conrad described his meeting with colonial Africa in Heart of Darkness. In his own staging of the play, the director tries to demythologise the picture of this continent that is known to everybody. In his opinion, Africa has been used by Europeans for centuries to satisfy their own needs – from exploration, conquest, accumulation of wealth, self-discovery, to yielding to the lowest instincts: power, dominance and violence.
The young director refers to the contemporary political situation of the African continent and social and religious conflicts being the source of the dramatic situation of its inhabitants. ‘The protagonist is a tourist from Europe going on exotic vacation. The whole story is built around his adventures,’ writes Marcin Żelazny in his review.
Szymon Kaczmarek is a graduate of the Faculty of Drama Direction of the Ludwik Solski State Drama School in Cracow. Until now, he has directed eight theatrical performances, including The Taming Of The Shrew by Shakespeare and Kordian by Słowacki. The monodrama We, Children of the Web (blogi.pl) by Adam Nawojczyk, which was directed by Kaczmarek in the National Stary Theatre in Krakow, won the main award at the First International Blog Festival in Graz, Austria.