12 December 2012 Zośka Papużanka nominated for the Polityka Passport
Zośka Papużanka, a Krakow-based writer, has been nominated for the Polityka Passport in the Literature category for proving that even a highly exploited theme, such as dysfunctional families, may be a source of a new, stylistic work. Kaja Malanowska and Szczepan Twardoch have also been nominated in this category. “Literature is doing well this year. There are interesting debuts and many electrifying books. And, unlike in recent years, these were not reportages or short stories. The three nominated books are sophisticated novels,” reads the text in the latest issue of the Polityka weekly.
"Szopka (Farce) is a great debut, delving into the classic theme of family hell that is the source of all the unhappiness in life, but doing so in a mature and original way, with lots of charm and unconventional humour," Piotr Kofta, the literary critic that nominated the novel, comments.
Zośka Papużanka (born 1978), a graduate of theatre studies working as a teacher of Polish and pursuing a PhD in literature studies. Author of lyrics for songs of Krakow cabarets and texts for performances by the Parawan Puppet and Actor Theatre. She lives in Krakow. Szopka (published by Świat Książki), noticed by the nominating panel, is her literary debut.
For more information go to: www.polityka.pl