27 December 2012 Dorota Masłowska – Star of the Year according to Wprost
The latest issue of the Wprost weekly features an article on those who will shine brightest and be the most successful in 2013. The Stars of the Year 2013 ranking lists the most famous Polish writer of the young generation, prose writer and dramatist Dorota Masłowska, one of the guests of this year’s edition of the Conrad Festival.
"A good book is said to be only half of the success, the second half is the writer. Dorota Masłowska illustrates this phenomenon better than most. She does not only write great literature, but also attracts with her magnetising personality. Readers often reach for interviews with the author more readily than for her demanding books. In the spring of 2013, Wydawnictwo Literackie will publish Agnieszka Dorotkiewicz's extended interview with the most famous Polish writer of the young generation. Masłowska, winner of the Nike Award, will probably astonish us again, as this is her specialty. After Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną (White and Red) and Paw Królowej, she wrote two plays – Dwoje biednych Rumunów mówiących po polsku (A Couple of Poor, Polish-Speaking Romanians) and Między nami dobrze jest. Thus, she enhanced her position as an author who can write anything. After the premiere of her latest novel – Kochanie, zabiłam nasze koty – published in 2012, she said: ‘Above all, it is important to protect your independence, your readiness not to be liked. Masłowska is resistant to criticism. I like to place myself before the firing squad,’ she claims. We shall see whether Agnieszka Drotkiewicz will place her there, too." – reads the article.