15 January 2013 Kulturalne Odloty Awards – further proposals by readers and experts
In today’s issue of Gazeta Wyborcza we can read the text: Cool proposals – for integration and promising growth, in which proposals for Kulturalne Odloty (Cultural Highs) Awards are presented, among others, by Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa, the Director of the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra of the Polish Radio in Katowice and Anita Piotrowska (Tygodnik Powszechny). ’As a period of crisis, the year 2012 was very difficult for Krakow culture. Therefore, it is particularly worth distinguishing those who had the will to do something really cool!’ stress the organisers of the competition. Tomorrow (the 16th of January) is the last day when you can submit your proposals for Kulturalne Odloty Awards in the following categories: the Artist, the Event and the Place. You can send your proposals to: odloty@krakow.agora.pl. Nominations will be announced on the 19th of January (Saturday), and awards will be granted already on the 9th of February!
Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa, the Director of the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra in Katowice, proposes Piotr Orzechowski, a jazz pianist from Krakow, in the Artist category, justifying her choice as follows: ‘Not only did he win the first award at Montreux Jazz Piano Competition 2011 (a part of the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland), but he also surprised everybody with his debut album, on which he presented his own version of Krzysztof Penderecki’s Polymorphia.’ In the Place category she chooses the Tinning Plant of ArcelorMittal Poland – an almost cult place where the Krakow Festival Office organises its events: ‘huge crowds at the attractive Film Music Festival, an excellent combination of various styles and music genres during Sacrum Profanum, particularly the juxtaposition of the Kronos Quartet and the atmospheric Icelandic band Sigur Ros,’ she summarises.
Anita Piotrowska (Tygodnik Powszechny) proposes Marcin Krzyształowicz, Joanna Kulig and Maciej Stuhr in the Artist category. Her proposals in the Event category include Orhan Pamuk’s visit during last year’s Conrad Festival and Sigur Rós’ concert at Sacrum Profanum. And her Place of the Year is the bookshop-cum-café Czuły Barbarzyńca in Krakow (the Tourist Services Centre, ul. Powiśle 11).
Kulturalne Odloty Awards will be presented already for the fifth time. These common annual awards are granted simultaneously by the editors’ jury and by readers of Gazeta Wyborcza. ‘These are awards for those who are not afraid of challenges, look for new ways in art and do something really exceptional,’ explain the organisers of the competition.