15 May 2013 Writing Freedom in Polish Radio Channel 2
Does the promotion of writers persecuted in their homelands for their beliefs demand a special approach? How do the Internet and advanced technologies influence the invigilation of politically incorrect writers? What price do poets, writers, journalists and bloggers need to pay for ignoring censorship? Such questions will be asked during the programme Rozmowy po zmroku in Polish Radio Channel 2 today (the 15th of May). The broadcast will begin at 9.30 p.m. Tune in!
Bartosz Panek will host participants of the Writing Freedom international conference which is being held in Krakow: Adam Pomorski (PEN CLUB Poland), William Echikson (free speech policy and PR head at Google) and Andrej Chadanowicz (poet and translator, PEN Club Belarus). There will also be an interview with Kareem Amer – the first blogger imprisoned for criticizing Hosni Mubarak’s government. Institutions involved in a campaign aimed at his release included such Internet superpowers as Wikipedia and Google. After his release, Kareem Amer spent a year at Villa Decius as the second guest invited here within the framework of ICORN programme in Krakow.
The Writing Freedom conference is organised as a part of the Reading Małopolska programme, supported by the Malopolska Regional Operational Programme for 2007-2013. Within the programme the region of Małopolska and its capital Krakow want to communicate their literary heritage and engage in creating networks of freedom and cooperation for regions creative in the field of literature.