27 May 2013 Widok Krakowa on TVN24
'Poles do not realize that we are a poetry superpower,' Adam Zagajewski said on Sunday's episode of Xięgarnia TV show on TVN 24.
A poet, essayist, translator and one of the contemporary Polish authors most widely recognized in the world, also talked about his work on the film Widok Krakowa directed by Magdalena Piekorz.
'It is impossible to talk about poetry and poets from Krakow in one film. Literary life in Krakow is so rich that certainly more films about it will be made. Widok Krakowa, includes Wyspiański, Miłosz, Szymborska, but there are no representatives of the young generation. I imagine, there will be films about these young authors,' he emphasized.
The film's media patron is the lubimyczytac.pl portal.
The project is supported by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage with funds from the Promoting Readership programme. The funds are managed by the Book Institute.
The Polish episode of the City(W)rites is being produced under the Reading Malopolska project. Reading Malopolska is a project envisaged for the years 2007–2013 and supported with the funds of the Malopolska Regional Operational Programme, under which Malopolska and its capital, Krakow, want to communicate their literary heritage and participate in the building of a network of co-operation of creative regions in the field of literature.