4 September 2013 Marka Radio Kraków award for Krakow Festival Office!
Krakow Festival Office have been awarded the Marka Radia Kraków! Yesterday, a jury comprised of journalists representing the Krakow media awarded two readership promotion campaigns: Drugie Życie Książki [The Second Life of a Book] and Wirtualna Biblioteka Wydawców [Publishers’ Virtual Library].
In their substantiation for awarding Drugie Życie Książki, which is organised in cooperation with the Bookeriada Internet portal, the jury pinpointed that means by which readers are reached, a variety of accompanying events and interesting guest form the world of literature are the key factors. A simple idea of book exchange has been successfully held at various venues all over Krakow. Also Wirtualna Biblioteka Wydawców has become an important summer event in Krakow: readers downloaded over 10,000 e-books in two-months’ time. Twenty publishing houses from Krakow promoted modern technologies in reading at sixty stops of the public transportation network. Wirtualna Biblioteka includes several dozen of the best releases from the past several months: belles-letters, biographies, reportages, poetry, books for children and teenagers. As Joanna Targoń emphasised, giving her vote to Krakow Festival Office, that “coming up with a simple, unpretentious and beneficial idea, is the most difficult.”
Only one vote in favour decided that Marka Radia Kraków was awarded to us. The Wawel Royal Castle with their cycle of Wawel-related legends missed the first place by the skin of their tongue. The jury appreciated consistency in executing their idea and a masterful edition of their legends. As Łukasz Gazur, a journalist at Dziennik Polski, emphasised, the Wawel Castle deserves sincere congratulations on their choice of visual methods of education and illustrations for children.
We would like to remind you that other nominees for the September edition of Marka Radia Kraków in literature also included:
Regional Public Library in Krakow with their campaign Lotna Czytelnia [A Flying Reading Room]:
For a summer-appropriate and simple for of promoting readership.
The Book Institute and Congress of Translators of Polish Literature with their Transatlantyk award:
For particular care of translators, providing them with excellent working conditions and meetings and emphasising the role of a translator in creating a literary work.
Adam Zagajewski and Krakowskie Spotkania z Poezją [Krakow Poetry Meetings]:
For organising a new poetry festival, inter-generation cooperation of poets and for an elegant and interesting manner in hosting the meeting.
The jury awarding Marka Radia Kraków included: Barbara Gawryluk (Radio Kraków), Joanna Targoń (Gazeta Wyborcza), Łukasz Gazur (Dziennik Polski) oraz Krzysztof Glondys (Telewizja Kraków) and Katarzyna Kubisiowska (Tygodnik Powszechny).