29 October 2013 Book swaps
For the entire past week, the city witnessed a real celebration of literature. Krakow received the honourable title of UNESCO City of Literature, the Conrad Festival and the Book Fair traditionally attracted crowds of visitors, and we swapped books in as many as four places. And traditionally, participants of The Second Life of a Book campaign – at Pałac Pod Baranami, our stand at the fair, the Galeria Krakowska shopping centre, and finally during the Najedzeni Fest! culinary festival – did not disappoint.
And soon – more chances to find interesting reads. On the 17th of November at the Arteteka of the Regional Public Library in Krakow (ul. Rajska 12, entrance on ul. Szujskiego), we will swap music CDs and films, computer games, and audiobooks. And a week later (on Sunday, the 24th of November), our traditional book swap at the Wyspiański Pavilion. For more details, please visit: www.drugiezycieksiazki.pl
The Second Life of a Book is a joint campaign of the Krakow Festival Office and Bookeriada.pl. Everyone can take part in the free book swap; just bring at least one book and a maximum of ten books if they are in good condition. Books published till 1995 can be swapped only for those that were also published till that year, whereas newer books (published after 1995) can be swapped for every book available during the given book swap. Find out more about the campaign at: www.drugiezycieksiazki.pl.
Media partners: RMF Classic and Fragile.
Partners: Galeria Krakowska, Strefa Wolnego Czytania, Klubokawiarnia likeKonik