13 November 2013 A well-designed book – a finissage
You can see the exhibition presenting the works awarded and selected in the 3rd edition of the competition called A Well-Designed Book – Let’s Begin with Children in Krakow’s Gallery of the ZNACZY SIĘ New Art Foundation on ul. Kościuszki 37 only until tomorrow (the 14th of November). We would like to invite you to the exhibition’s finissage at 4 p.m., which will include Anna Machwic-Adamkiewicz, PhD’s lecture on the history of the competition and its future edition that starts in January. We would like to remind you that the exhibition accompanied the Conrad Festival.

The competition called A Well-Designed Book – Let’s Begin with Children has been organised by the Katowice Academy of Fine Arts since 2008. It is an interesting example of what goes on at Polish and international higher education institutions in terms of designing books for children. The exhibition of the 3rd edition of the competition presents several dozen designs of books illustrated in an interesting and innovative manner, and designed by the youngest generation of illustrators, only just entering the publishing market. The presented designs have been selected from among hundreds of submissions by recognised illustrators, book designers, publishers, and... children.