30 January 2014 Iron Curtain by Anne Applebaum – Book of the Year 2013!
Za żelazną kurtyną (Iron Curtain - The Crushing of Eastern Europe 1944-1956) – the most recent book by American writer and journalist Anne Applebaum – won Book of the Year 2013, the award given by the literary monthly Magazyn Literacki KSIĄŻKI. The award ceremony was held at Warsaw’s National Library. Alongside Applebaum’s book, the following publications were among the award winners: Wielka księga patriotów polskich (A Great Book of Polish Patriots) and Ostatnie rozdanie (The Last Deal) by Wiesław Myśliwski; Ludzka rzecz (A Human Affair) by Paweł Potoroczyn; Legion (The Legion) by Elżbieta Cherezińska and Obłęd 44 (Madness ‘44) by Piotr Zychowicz. Congratulations!
Every month the editorial team of Magazyn Literacki KSIĄŻKI under Krzysztof Masłoń selects four titles which deserve the reader’s special attention for their informative, literary or artistic values. The publications are ranked among the Books of the Month. In this way 48 books are chosen, from among which 6 Books of the Year are selected. For more on award-winning authors and books go to: instytutksiazki.pl.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind our readers that we had the pleasure of hosting Anne Applebaum in Krakow during last year’s Conrad Festival.
Pic. Grzegorz Ziemiański, www.fotohuta.pl