17 February 2014 The Trail of Literary Heroes
It’s no news that Krakow and its nooks and crannies evoke a special magic and a unique atmosphere. This is why writers, not only Polish but also foreign, often set the scene for their characters in Krakow’s houses, leading them through the streets of Krakow, offering them a treat of Krakow’s squares and plazas. We recommend the new virtual trail that is entirely devoted to literary heroes who are somehow connected with Krakow to all those in search of the secrets of literature.
The trail was conceived by Ewa Zamorska-Przyłuska, who will guide us along the paths of Zofia Zawistowska, the protagonist of Sophie’s Choice. The author will tell us about Krak and his conversations with the Dragon at the Dragon’s Den from Porwanie Baltazara Gąbki (Abduction of Balthazar Sponge). She will also familiarize us with Roma Ligocka’s Krakow and show us where heroes of Czesław Miłosz’s Zniewolony umysł (The Captive Mind) hid.
Every Monday a new literary trail will be published on www.readingmalopolska.pl, each on a different theme. The newest such trail is The Trail of Literary Heroes. Next week The Tischner Trail will premiere, followed by The Malopolska Avant-Garde Trail. Each virtual trail leads to different sites and deals with different themes, always related to literature. Follow us on the website!