20 October 2017 Conrad Festival 2017 starting on Monday!
Tomorrow (21 October), two days before the inauguration of the Conrad Festival, large-format letters will be put up in the Main Market Square to form the inscription: KRAKÓW MIASTO LITERATURY UNESCO (Krakow UNESCO City of Literature). This year they letters will be in a new form, alluding to the Year of the Avant-garde and works by Polish futurists.
The structure to Tomek Budzyń’s design follows the original graphic works by Władysław Strzemiński, with colour patches and three-dimensional graphic elements, referring to the style of period typography. In this way Krakow will celebrate the 4th anniversary of its designation as the UNESCO City of Literature. Large-format letters will stay on the Main Market Square until Sunday (29 October).
On Monday (23 October) a great celebration of literature – the Conrad Festival –will begin in Krakow. We would like to remind our readers that the Writers’ Academy at the Penguin Random House, one of the world’s most important British publishing houses recognised the Conrad Festival as one of the 20 most important festivals worldwide, a must-participate event for every book lover.
What can we expect this year? Discussions, debates, reading lessons, film screenings, a concert, the Conrad Award and first of all , a chance to meet our distinguished guests – writers and critics from Poland and abroad.
See you at the festival!