3 November 2009 Stefan Chwin conducted the first Reading lesson with…
On Tuesday, Stefan Chwin conducted the first Lesson, thus initiating the series of four Reading lessons with… planned to take place during this edition of the Conrad Festival. Together with secondary school students, Chwin discussed William Golding’s Lord of the Flies. 40 students from selected secondary schools from Krakow, Łódź and Olsztyn took part in this unusual class.
Within the same project, tomorrow (Wednesday, 4th November), Piotr Śliwiński will meet students to analyse W czterech ścianach mego bólu (Within the Four Walls of My Pain) by Aleksander Watt. On Thursday (5th November), Marek Bieńczyk will examine Herman Melville’s Bartleby. Finally, on Friday (6th November), prof. Michał Paweł Markowski will talk with students about Joseph Conrad’s An Outpost of Progress.
All the Lessons take place at 12 in the Pawilon Wyspiańskiego (the Wyspiański Pavilion) at pl. Wszystkich Świętych 2 (All Saints’ Square 2).
Reading lessons with... is a nationwide project. The Patron Committee consists of: Stefan Chwin, Stanisław Bereś, Grażyna Borkowska, Alicja Brodzka-Wald, Przemysław Czapliński, Inga Iwasiów, Krzysztof Kłosiński, Michał P. Markowski, Anna Nasiłowska, Ryszard Nycz, Paweł Próchniak and Piotr Śliwiński.
The programme of Reading lessons with... alongside with information on how to join the project can be found at www.lekcjeczytania.tygodnik.com.pl. All the teachers who would like to take part in organizing a Reading lesson in their city should write to lekcjeczytania@tygodnik.com.pl.