29 October 2010 In next week Herta Müller in Krakow!
Last year’s winner of the Nobel prize, Herta Müller – a German writer coming from Banat, Romania – will arrive in Krakow next week. She is a special guest of the 2nd Joseph Conrad International Literature Festival and the 14th Book Fair in Krakow. The meeting Everything I Have I Carry With Myself will be devoted to the problem of “exile from the world”, political and social duties of literature and art, women’s literary and artistic experience. It has been said for a long time that this will be the most important literary event of this autumn. The meeting with the author of Herztier in the National Museum on 5 November (Friday) at 6.00 p.m. will be hosted by Katarzyna Bojarska. It will be an important item of the subject area whose spiritual patron is another German-speaking author – Paul Celan. Herta Müller’s visit will be accompanied by a vernissage of the painting Das Haar by Anselm Kiefer – an artist inspired by the poetry of the author of The Fugue of Death, a discussion about his poetry with the participation of Ryszard Krynicki, Piotr Czyżewski etc. and a film show. We invite you to reserve your time already now to see this event.