24 January 2011 Celan once more!
A meeting dedicated to the work of Paul Celan, the central figure of the 2nd Conrad Festival, will be held soon as 26th January (Wednesday) 6 p.m. in the Jewish Culture Centre in Krakow (Meisels Street no 17). Ryszard Krynicki, who also was a guest of our festival, will participate in the debate titled Paul Celan. A poet, exile, Jew. Introduction by Joachim Russek. You are most warmly invited!
Ryszard Krynicki (b. 1943) – a poet, translator, publisher, one of the most important authors of Polish modern poetry. He was born in Sankt Valentin (Lower Austria), finished Secondary School No. 2 in Gorzow Wielkopolski. The author worked for the Student fortnightly, around which New Wave generation took its shape. It was a poetic movement from 1960’s and 70’s which exposed hypocrisy and artificiality of official social life of that time. In 1988 he established “a5” publishing house. Krynicki translated from German Bertold Brecht, Gotfried Benn, Paul Celan among others. He is the author of the following poem collections: Akt urodzenia (1969), Drugi projekt organizmu zbiorowego (1973), Organizm zbiorowy (1975), Nasze życie rośnie (1978), Niewiele więcej. Wiersze z notatnika 78-79 (1981), Ocalenie z nicości (1983), Niewiele więcej i nowe wiersze (1984). In 1976 he received the Koscielski Award.
Joachim Russek (b. 1950) – director of The Judaica Foundation and Jewish Culture Centre in Krakow. He graduated law at the Jagiellonian University. In 1986 jointly with Professor Jozef Gierowski he organized Research Center of Jewish History and Culture in Poland - the first of the kind academic unit of higher education in the country. From its very beginnings (1980’s) he was related with the idea of organizing in Krakow Kazimierz a Jewish Culture Centre. On behalf of the founding group he supervised restoration and modernisation of 19th century Jewish house of prayer in the Rabin Ber Meisels Street.